Why make Northern Ireland my E-Commerce Fulfilment Hub?

Joanne McKee

Northern Ireland is a small country, just 110 miles wide and 85 miles from North to South, but since Brexit this smallest part of the UK has become a critical cog in the wheel of GB-EU trade. Being part of the United Kingdom and yet part of the island of Ireland has left NI in the unique position of having free movement of goods to both GB and the EU.  Using the ports of Belfast and Dublin to send goods to GB and the EU respectively, means that our position just 1 hour from Belfast and 1hr 30 from Dublin is ideally placed to serve the whole of the EU and England, Scotland and Wales.

The position of Northern Ireland and the consequences of Brexit were far from many peoples' minds during the tense referendum of 2016 but in subsequent years the Northern Ireland Protocol and later the Windsor Framework have been put in place to try to bridge the gap caused by the Irish Sea and also manage the EU land border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

To protect the integrity of the EU internal market, checks on goods will take place when they arrive in NI from GB due to the risk of them crossing the open land border with the Republic of Ireland. These are currently managed through the free to use Trader Support Service and at the time of writing, permanent structures to facilitate red and green lane goods are being constructed in Belfast. There are no checks on goods moving directly from the EU through the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland and vice versa. 

Furthermore, the quality of the Northern Ireland workforce is second to none.  In terms of highly educated workers with a strong work ethic and friendly persona, you would go far to find a better place to locate your e-fulfilment operation.